On 26/04/13 16:38, micah wrote:
> Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez <clo...@igalia.com> writes:
>> I don't think this is an appropriate approach to deal with this problem.
>> I rather would ask you to remove the package util-vserver from Debian
>> sid completely than to have it in a broken state.
> Well, that is what I was planning on doing - removing it from
> sid. Without the kernel support available, I was thinking I will give up
> the package entirely. I used to provide kernel patch packages, but I am
> going to attempt to migrate away from Linux-Vservers now, even though I
> like them more than the current alternatives.

I'm in the same situation. I use both Debian and linux-vserver daily.
Debian removed support for the vserver kernel flavor on wheezy.

So I have to choose between: migrating from linux-vserver to LXC/OpenVZ
or building my own kernels.

LXC is not yet production ready from a security perspective. A root user
on a LXC container can do very nasty things to the host system.

OpenVZ faces the same fate than linux-vserver. Support for it got
removed from Debian, so I would end in the same situation that I'm right
now with linux-vserver.

So the most reasonable option for me is building my own kernels with the
vserver patchset and wait until LXC becomes at least as secure as
vserver is.

> So, the question then becomes... would you like to maintain this package
> in Debian? It would be quite useful for people to have an active
> maintainer of the user-space utilities in Debian, in my opinon. However,
> I can no longer be that person. I would however be able to sponsor
> package uploads, if you, or someone else, would be interested and
> wanting to do that work.

I will happily sign for that. However I would like to migrate the
package scm from svn to git. I have not experience packaging with svn
and learning to do that now will be a backwards step IMHO.

If you can add my alioth user (clopez-guest) to the pkg-vserver project
and create a new empty git repository on alioth for pkg-vserver I can
take care of migrating the svn repository to git (I already have
experience doing this kind of migrations) and uploading the result there
for review.


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