On 01/05/13 17:32, micah wrote:
> Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez <clo...@igalia.com> writes:
>> On 28/04/13 02:50, micah wrote:
>>>> I will happily sign for that. However I would like to migrate the
>>>> package scm from svn to git. I have not experience packaging with svn
>>>> and learning to do that now will be a backwards step IMHO.
>>> As I mentioned on IRC, I think that is a fantastic idea.
>>>> If you can add my alioth user (clopez-guest) to the pkg-vserver project
>>>> and create a new empty git repository on alioth for pkg-vserver I can
>>>> take care of migrating the svn repository to git (I already have
>>>> experience doing this kind of migrations) and uploading the result there
>>>> for review.
>>> I added you to the group.
>> Hi.
>> I don't have permissions to create the git repository. I need you to
>> either grant me admin permissions on the Alioth project or to enable the
>> usage of git repository on Alioth.
> I added you as an admin in the alioth project. Let me know if that still
> doesn't work.
> micah

I just did the migration to git. Here is a summary of the steps I followed:

1) I converted the repository from svn to git following the guide

 -> At the end I renamed the tags imported from the svn repository to
svn/$tag instead of debian/$tag to allow in the following step importing
all dsc(s) without overwriting tags.

2) Then I imported all known debian releases.
 ->  I got all dscs [1] from snapshoot d.o and imported them [2]

I uploaded the repository to

Let me know if you find some problem or issue with what I did.

Otherwise I will take this git repository as base to continue working
from there.


[1] curl -s http://snapshot.debian.org/package/util-vserver/|grep
"li.*href"|cut -d\" -f2|while read ver; do curl -s
"href.*dsc"|cut -d\" -f2; done|while read dsc; do dget -du
"http://snapshot.debian.org/$dsc";; done

[2] git-import-dscs --pristine-tar --author-is-committer
--author-date-is-committer-date /tmp/util-verver-dscs/*.dsc

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