On 19 nov 2005, at 10:41, Steve Langasek wrote:

Do we actually have reason to believe that this is a memory leak, i.e., leaving the daemon running will continue to eat more memory? If the program simply needs 70-some MB to run, that's unfortunate

Well, if a simple IRC proxy would require that much memory, I'd get worried anyway. ;-)

if, OTOH, its memory usage continues to grow beyond the point shown in the bug report, I agree that sounds release-critical.

Yeah, it doesn't really stop. It brought down my server once too. It grows by a couple of MBytes a day, depening on the channels you're in. AFAIK it's because the linestack module doesn't flush any data.

Unfortunately there is no other suitable version I can upload. If one appears, I'll upload it right away.

Wilmer van der Gaast.

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