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Bastian & Lazlo

On 15/09/13 12:03, Bastian Blank wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 12:30:22PM +0200, László Böszörményi (GCS)
> wrote:
>> On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 12:00 PM, Bastian Blank
>> <wa...@debian.org> wrote:
>>> However there are several problems left: - ceph-common depends
>>> on python-flask and python-ceph.
>> Why this is a problem? What I see is that python-flask should be 
>> moved to python-ceph .
> There is a python script ceph-rest-api.  Where is this used?  Why
> does it warrant a dependency on 20 other packages?

Dumpling (0.67.x) is the first release with basic support for a REST
api for administering a ceph cluster - this binary supports this
feature - but more of a demo of how to use than anything really usable
(dev mode only).  However I do agree that it looks like it should be
in ceph.

>>> - ceph-common is not _arch-all_, why does it exist?
>> Tools that used by other packages that can be installed 
>> independently. Should it be named like ceph-base or ceph-tools?
> Not sure right now.  It looks like a random dash of tools, stashed 
> together without much thinking. - ceph, rados, rbd: Tools to manage
> different parts of ceph, remotely. - ceph-authtool: Works on
> keyring files, so needs to run locally on the monitor. -
> ceph-rest-api: Where does this belong to? - ceph-dencoder,
> ceph-syn: This are test or debugging tools.
> I would - move ceph-authotool and maybe ceph-rest-api into ceph, -
> move cephfs and mount.ceph into ceph-common - move ceph-dencoder
> and ceph-syn into ceph-test, - move stuff from ceph-resource-agents
> into ceph and - drop ceph-fs-common and ceph-resource-agents.
>>> - Why ceph-mds?
>> Ceph has three independent blocks. Metadata servers (-mds) are
>> one of them. Please see the overview[1].
> Yeah.  But why does it need a different package?  What does this
> extra package bring for the user?

For context, the ceph-mds function was split out in the packaging as
MDS is not as well tested/production grade as the RADOS and RBD
features;  In Ubuntu we use this to signal which parts receive full
support from the Ubuntu Server and Security teams. I appreciate that
this is not required for Debian but its also in the upstream packaging
so it would be nice if these splits could stay (see notes below about
why keeping packaging consistent across upstream, Debian and Ubuntu is
a good idea).

>>> - ceph depends on fdisk, parted and whole lot other crap it
>>> does not need.
>> Agree on this. Don't know how it made there.
> Because ceph-disk (another incompletely documented indirection)
> uses it. The important parts (ceph-mon, ceph-osd) works fine
> without it.

ceph-disk is a key part of the deployment infrastructure for ceph so
these are important dependencies for anyone deploying ceph at scale
using upstream Chef recipes or ceph-deploy.

>>> - A lot of Replaces.
>> There were package renames, users may have packages from upstream
>> or Ubuntu. That's make it complex.
> Not a concern for Debian.  It was never in a stable release.

I think it is a concern for Debian; the principle source of Ceph
packages for Debian to-date has been from upstream, so ensuring smooth
transitions to/from Debian/upstream is important IMHO.

>>> - python-ceph needs stricter dependencies.
>> Will check.
> At least the dependencies for librados2 and librdb1 needs to be 
> stricter.  The dependency on libcephfs1 is missing.

Agreed - python-ceph only just grew bindings for cephfs so that's just
an oversight. Good spot.  >= on equiv binary package version should do
the job for the librbd/rados depends.

Laszlo - re -java/-jni split - this is in compliance with the Java
packaging policy:


I really think we need to stick with the packaging structure and
naming that is already in place as much as possible; All of the
existing deployment tooling (chef, juju, ceph-deploy) is written based
on this structure on Debian based systems; diverging is just going to
create work in other areas and potentially alienate the Debian
packaging as its different to the packaging that the Ceph community
has been using for the last two years... at least!

FYI once ceph is up-to-date in Debian I'm intending on landing
ceph-deploy as a way of deploying ceph on Debian - it makes testing
much easier.

- -- 
James Page
Ubuntu and Debian Developer
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