Hi all,

Andreas Tille, on 2020-06-08 16:01:33 +0200:
> any voluntee to follow this hint of upstream?

Having a look a this issue, here is what I can tell so far.

> > Perhaps makeblastdb itself failed (and our wrapper didn't notice)? Those
> > are the first files looked for after calling makeblastdb, to see if it
> > could make a BLAST database.  Are there any GenBank/NC_005816.fna.n* or
> > GenBank/NC_005816.faa.p* files present?
> > 
> > If it helps, the commands our script was trying to run were:
> > 
> > $ makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -in GenBank/NC_005816.fna \
> > -parse_seqids -hash_index -max_file_sz 20MB  -taxid 10
> > 
> > and:
> > 
> > $ makeblastdb -dbtype prot -in GenBank/NC_005816.faa \
> > -parse_seqids -hash_index -max_file_sz 20MB -taxid 10

On my i686 machine, both of these commands end up in error,
failing to allocate memory:

        $ makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -in GenBank/NC_005816.fna -parse_seqids 
-hash_index -max_file_sz 20MB  -taxid 10
        Building a new DB, current time: 06/09/2020 08:28:08
        New DB name:   /tmp/python-biopthon/Tests/GenBank/NC_005816.fna
        New DB title:  GenBank/NC_005816.fna
        Sequence type: Nucleotide
        Deleted existing Nucleotide BLAST database named 
        Keep MBits: T
        Maximum file size: 20000000B
        Adding sequences from FASTA; added 1 sequences in 0.284663 seconds.
        No volumes were created.
        BLAST Database creation error: mdb_env_open: Cannot allocate memory

Looking up the strace to see what happens exactly from a kernel
point of view, the program attempts to map 3647256576 bytes of
memory in which the stub of database will be built:

0xbfc2e5ac) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
"/tmp/python-biopthon/Tests/GenBank/NC_005816.fna.ndb", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0664) = 
        fstatfs(4, {f_type=XFS_SB_MAGIC, f_bsize=4096, f_blocks=73645943, 
f_bfree=64080178, f_bavail=64080178, f_files=147363840, f_ffree=147171712, 
f_fsid={val=[65027, 0]}, f_namelen=255, f_frsize=4096, 
f_flags=ST_VALID|ST_NOATIME}) = 0
        pread64(4, "", 92, 0)                   = 0
 8192, 0) = 8192
        mmap2(NULL, 3647256576, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 4, 0) = -1 ENOMEM 
(Cannot allocate memory)

To rule out a few issues that could have caused more or less
artificial memory starvation situations, I tried to bring the
following changes to my configuration:

  - append an additional 4 GiB of swap through a file;

  - move to a PAE aware kernel since my original configuration
    had no use for virtual memory extension past the 3 GiB limit
        $ uname -sr
        Linux 4.19.0-9-686-pae
        $ grep PAE /boot/config-`uname -r`

  - check RLIMIT_DATA to make sure they were not blocking:
        $ prlimit   # filtered
        AS         address space limit unlimited unlimited bytes
        DATA       max data size       unlimited unlimited bytes

  - increase the vm.max_map_count by two orders of magnitude
    compared to the default (65536), just in case:
        $ cat /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count

  - enable memory overcommit and allow unreasonable levels of
    commit ratios:
        $ grep . /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_*
    but that shouldn't be important given the fact that in such
    mmap configuration, the memory does not need to be
    committed anyway, that was just to rule out that point too.

For comparison, on 64 bits systems, the size of the mmap is of
precisely 300 GB, and the command works very well whatever the
actual size of physical memory is available on the host.

My current impression is that makeblastdb is unable to work
properly on most 32 bits machines, because the amount of memory
needing to be addressed by the process looks like it might
exceed too easily 32 bits architectural limits.

Have a nice day,
Étienne Mollier <etienne.moll...@mailoo.org>
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