* Rafael Laboissière <raf...@debian.org> [2022-12-06 10:08]:

* Rafael Laboissière <raf...@debian.org> [2022-12-05 22:55]:

The pvm package is currently installable in sid when openssh-client is installed and there is no other package providing rsh-client:

Of course, I meant *uninstallable* in the sentence above.

The pvm package is orphaned. If nobody objects, I will do a QA upload to fix this release-critical bug.

I just did it. Version 3.4.6-4 (QA upload) has been uploaded to unstable.

I did some QA work in the Git repository at Salsa.d.o. NMU versions 3.4.6-3, 3.4.6-3.1, and 3.4.6-3.2 have diverged from the repository, since release 3.4.6-2. I injected those version into the repository and I included, in version 3.4.6-4, the changes that have been cumulated there.

Hopefully, this discipline will be kept in the future.

Rafael Laboissière

[*] https://salsa.debian.org/debian/pvm

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