On 16 Nov 2001, Philip Hands wrote:

> Mattias Wadenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > A good script would then:
> > 1. rsync the potato_test directory
> > 2. rsync the entire cd-image directory with --hard-links
> >
> > Of course, if you don't mind being a couple of days late with new images,
> > a plain rsync of the debian-cd (or debian-iso in my case) directory would
> > work fine. Just remember to include --hard-links so that you won't get two
> > copies of the images, if there is both a potato_test directory and the
> > 2.2rev4 one. And a --delete-after would probably be a good thing to
> > include too, so the rsync won't start out with deleting everything.
> This last bit is about right, but I'm not sure why you suggested the 2
> stage approach, or why you say that you need enough storage for 2
> sets.

Well, it is because my experience with rsync is that it starts by
downloading the new files (no speedup) and _then_ realize that there are
hardlinks around and update those. By doing the 2-step approach, it
updates the .raw images first and then can use it to update the hardlinks.

I am responding now (rather late) because I wasn't sure this was the case,
or I just made a mistake. But assuming that the rev4.1 ppc images aren't
totally different from the rev4, I should get some matched data in
the rsync. (The images grow about 650K/s which is pretty close to the
network traffic, I'll have the --stats output later.)

/Mattias Wadenstein

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