On 30 May 2002, Philip Hands wrote:

> On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 13:16, Richard Atterer wrote:
> > Where will the official 3.0r0 jigdo files be placed? I think it would
> > be wise *not* to use cdimage/jigdo-area for that, because
> does this work if you point it at:
>   http://cdimage.debian.org/jigdo-area/current/
> ?
> If so, there's no  problem (as long as I remember to update the symlink
> :-)

Just a small mention, I mirror jigdo-area daily now (excluding snapshot)
on http://ftp.se.debian.org/mirror/debian-cd/jigdo-area/ - after the
release I'll make the symlink (taking out "mirror/" in that url) and stuff
work so there isn't both a debian-iso and debian-cd with slightly
different things (debian-iso is a pure mirror of the potato release

Right now I made the decision that it is better to leave debian-iso as the
mirror it is.

> The other thing that is likely to happen (I should be able to sort it
> out soon) is that cdimage will actually be a CNAME for raff.d.o and
> non-us.cdimage.debian.org will point at open.

Where will the jigdo files turn up? open is a bit closer, but I get good
rates to raff too. Just wondering if I should have that cron job that
mirrors jigdo-area point at cdimage or open.

I'll probably do alot of manual work at release time anyway, but it would
be good to know where stuff will turn up.

/Mattias Wadenstein

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