On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Anthony Towns wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 29, 2002 at 09:23:07PM +0100, Richard Atterer wrote:
> > So let's do it their way: I propose that we offer rsync (and maybe
> > HTTP?) access to the images again starting with 3.0r1. raff has enough
> > disc space, so the size should not be a problem.
> Yay.
> Also, it would be very nice to have the netinst image become official
> sooner rather than later. Pointing to images we don't control is bad,
> recommending them above what we do provide smacks of incompetence.

Yes, this is probably even more important. Who makes that decision and how
do we make it happen? Because netinst images are important ones and it has
been the consensus of the debian-cd list that users should be pointed to
that one before the full isos.

/Mattias Wadenstein

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