On 12/28/19 7:27 PM, Noah Meyerhans wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 27, 2019 at 10:33:16PM +0100, Christian Tramnitz wrote:
>> Right, both bridge-utils and vlan are required to setup a bridge or
>> vlan from *within* /etc/network/interfaces.
> That's not really true.  bridge-utils and vlan add some additional
> syntax, but everything can be accomplished with some basic pre/post-up
> commands in the interfaces entry.

Yes, indeed. But that's precisely what you don't want to have to do
because it's too complicated. Best is if you can just use the "normal"
syntax, with something like:

auto vlan80
iface vlan80 inet static
  vlan-raw-device bond0

Using the pre-up/up thing is really not what one does, and certainly not
what we want to impose to our users.

It isn't uncommon to have a vlan on top of a bridge, on top of a bond
(in fact, that's very common for OpenStack), and in this type of setup,
not having the ifenslave + vlan + bridge-utils packages would be a real

Probably, the issue is in ifupdown, which probably should be "fixed" to
use ip correctly, rather than the legacy tools. Whoever's fault, the
direct effect is that it gets less user friendly, and we should fix that.


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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