On 12/30/19 3:53 AM, Noah Meyerhans wrote:
> Unfortunately, AFAICT, ifupdown is also pretty much dead.  It hasn't
> seen any major feature development in quite some time, and hasn't seen
> an upload to unstable in nearly a year.

There's at least ifupdown2 from Cumulus (also in Debian) that receive a
very active development.

Also, if ifupdown isn't receiving so much development, it's also because
it's just working fine. Do you see any missing feature?

> I suspect that the Right Way to do this on a modern Debian system would
> be to use systemd-networkd and systemd netdev configuration.  I don't
> know enough about this right now to provide an example, or to figure out
> if/how this is usable with our current interface configuration
> management approach, but systemd.netdev(5) provides some basic examples.
> noah

It's fine to talk about the future, and I could somehow agree that this
can be one of the paths. But let's fix things for now.

Also, I don't think there's any OpenVSwitch integration in systemd, is
there? I know that OVS works very well with ifupdown (it took so long to
me to fix all the issues in the OVS package that I know it works now...).

Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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