>>"Branden" == Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Branden> I'm willing to recognize the decision of the Technical
 Branden> Committee as binding if Anthony is.  Is a vote in the works?

        I'll let other memebers of the ctte take some time to respond
 to my opinions.

 Branden> This issue to my mind is what degree of discretion a package
 Branden> maintainer is permitted to exercise over the bugs assigned
 Branden> to his package.  In the past, the amount of discretion
 Branden> afforded the package maintainer was greater.  I have been in
 Branden> disputes over bug severity with package maintainers before
 Branden> -- as the submitter and in the past the package maintainer's
 Branden> discretion has been regarded as sacrosanct, or nearly so.

        The current matter is being treated as a technical dispute
 between two developers; and in cases like this, no general rule ("The
 person who invokes the ctte is always right", or "The maintainer is
 always right") make sense.  Bug severities are a technical, though
 sometimes subjective, decisions; and the severity ought to be decided
 on the technical merits, on a case by case basis.

        I am hoping that these disputes are rare, and can in most
 cases be resolved amicably, or at least following adjudication by the
 tech ctte. I would rather not set down rules of enforcement until we
 are sure we actually need to (at least, wearing my ctte hat).

 For certain people, after fifty, litigation takes the place of
 sex. Gore Vidal
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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