>>"Ian" == Ian Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Ian> Manoj Srivastava writes ("Re: Technical Committee: decision on #119517?"):
 >> From reviewing the bug report, Ian Jackson sided with the
 >> maintainer, with the opinion that not all binaries shipped with a
 >> package need work when the dependencies are satisfied. Dale Scheetz,
 >> Jason Gunthorpe, and I disagreed. 

 Ian> So, the current situation is as follows:

 Ian> The package pcmcia-cs contains, amongst many other more important
 Ian> things, a binary `cardinfo' which is an X program.  It declares a
 Ian> Suggests dependency on the X libraries.  

 Ian> The complaint is that this is wrong, and instead either pcmcia-cs
 Ian> should Depend on xlib6g, or the X11 cardinfo program should be split
 Ian> into a separate package.  (There was also a fudge suggested, making
 Ian> cardinfo a wrapper script to do something completely different, to
 Ian> avoid using X, if xlib6g wasn't present.)

        No. The suggestion, which you apprently did not follow, was to
 provide core functionality of the program regardless of X, and added
 functionality when X libs are present. In other words, the program,
 the interface the user sees, actually does something.

 Ian> As I understand it, the supposed principle which is being applied is
 Ian> that it is unacceptable to have a binary in the package which depends
 Ian> on libraries not mentioned in Depends, and that Recommends or Suggests
 Ian> are not sufficient.  

        Nope. The objection is that a package presents an interface to
 a user to added functionality, and binaries provided by a package are
 the user interface most commonly seen by users towards that.  Any
 binary that fails is a bug in the package. Mitigating factors are
 that a package may not be properly installed.

        If I install a package properly, all dependencies satisfied,
 all binaries work. Added recommended or suggested packages may
 enhance functionality; but the b i n a r i e s   M U S T   w o r k.

 Ian> 1. I think the current situation is fine.  The other suggested
 Ian> approaches to this issue have much worse effects than a slightly ugly
 Ian> but perfectly informative error message.

        I disagree strongly. This is a quality of implementation
 issue. When I go on a machine, fire off a binary, and it faults, I
 know the machine is broken.

 Ian> Forcing the user to always install the X libraries with pcmcia-cs is
 Ian> clearly unacceptable.


 Ian> Splitting the package up is gross overkill - the general cost of an
 Ian> additional package to maintain, update, select, install, cope with
 Ian> dependencies of, find, etc. etc. is considerable.

        Really? I would rahtter add one more package to the nearly 10k
 list than have broken systems all over the place.

        Suggests does nto mean install suggested packages, or else
 some binaries are just going to fail. Why the hell have a dependency
 system with differeing levels at all, if you can no longer be sure
 what one needs install in order to have binaries work? 

 Ian> Note that a person who forgets to install X when they wanted
 Ian> cardinfo is even more likely to fail to spot the proposed
 Ian> pcmcia-cs-cardinfo package; when they want to run cardinfo
 Ian> because they heard about it from a colleage running some other
 Ian> distribution, we serve them better by giving them the ld.so
 Ian> error message than by making the file vanish !

        Debian is already different enough that this is not a major
 issue. The added package can be mentioned in the cardinfo
 description, be recommended by the non X package, and be mentioned in
 the documentation. 

 Ian> The only remaining approach suggested was to make cardinfo a wrapper
 Ian> script which would either invoke the real X cardinfo program, or do
 Ian> some kind of text-mode alternative if X wasn't available; I think this
 Ian> is a hideous idea.

        Far better than giving the impramatur of approval to having
 randomly broken binaries unless you install every single darned
 suggests dependecy package.

 Ian> It is a pointless piece of programming, since it adds no new
 Ian> functionality or ease of use (people who wanted the text UI will
 Ian> invoke it directly).

        yeah, it just makes sure that programs in debian kinda work,
 rather than be discovered randomly after the install phase is over,
 and one no longer has access to the install system. That is

 Ian> In fact, it seems to me that much of the aim of the complainants
 Ian> here is to suppress the error message.  I think this is a

        You just don't get it. The aim of the complainnat is that when
 one installs a package, one should be sure that the programs included
 actually work.

 Ian> Is this suggested principle, that binaries' dependencies on shared
 Ian> libraries should always be declared as Depends:

        The binaries should actually work when the package install
 went fine.

 Ian> There are many programs which just fail if you request the use of a
 Ian> feature which needs an unsatisfied Recommends or Suggests.  Some
 Ian> examples:

 Ian>  * cron Recommends mail-transport-agent.  But, cron is supposed to be
 Ian>    able to send mail and can't if you don't install
 Ian>    mail-transport-agent; the messages that cron would send effectively
 Ian>    get lost.  However, you can still use cron in this configuration -
 Ian>    you just have to make explicit arrangements in your crontab entries
 Ian>    for capturing the output.

 Ian>  * fvwm Suggests m4.  If you install it without m4 but ask for to
 Ian>    m4-preprocess your file, it will fail.

 Ian>  * minicom Suggests lrzsz.  If you install it without, you can still
 Ian>    use it, but the rz/sz file transfer commands will not work.

 Ian>  * groff contains gxditview, which is an X program, but only Suggests
 Ian>    xlib6g.

        Every single one of these packages the program can be
 used. They are, (voila!) working. Add suggested packages, they can do
 extra things, work better. But the base code does more than produce
 error messages.


 If you break a cup or plate, it will not be the one that was already
 chipped or cracked.  -- Denys Parsons
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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