On Mon, 03/02/2003 04:42 -0800, Alexander Hvostov wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-02-02 at 17:06, Tim van Erven wrote:
>> * Rendering delays.  Waiting > 1s for each mail to render is
>>   unacceptable when you have to go through a lot of mail.
> Configure your MUA to ignore some of the more CPU-intensive markup (eg,
> images).

Automated filters on message contents are a very bad idea.  Stripping
content can completely alter the message's content.  Imagine for
instance a message reading "I'm breaking up with you." with an image
underneath that shows a sign saying "Just kidding, silly.". You
definately wouldn't want to just ignore the image.  Of course this is
just one example.  A similar scenario could be constructed for every
kind of automated filter.

>> * Raising the minimum system requirements.  (Think: small gadgets.)
> See above. HTML is easy to parse, and it is therefore easy to strip out
> unnecessary stuff. The hard part is rendering some kinds of markup (like
> images).

Time your browser rendering some websites you visit, multiply by the
amount of mails some folks get, talk again.

>> But keeping things simple is the first rule of writing secure code.
> Simplicity is not always the best way to do it. The Linux kernel is an
> example.

Simplicity is always the best way to do it.  Additional complexity
always needs a very good justification.

Tim van Erven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          Fingerprint: F6C9 61EE 242C C012
OpenPGP Key ID: 712CB811                   36D5 BBF8 6310 D557 712C B811

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