On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 10:18, Tim van Erven wrote:
> On Mon, 03/02/2003 04:38 -0800, Alexander Hvostov wrote:
> > On Sun, 2003-02-02 at 16:52, Tim van Erven wrote:
> >> One reason that I haven't seen mentioned yet is that editing html (when
> >> replying) is a PITA compared to editing plain text.
> > 
> > How so?
> Editing plain html is way too bothersome and there aren't even any
> browsers available that properly inplement the latest html standards,
> let alone WYSIWYG programs to edit them.

GtkHTML (used by Evolution) works fine. It generates presentational HTML
conforming with the HTML 4.0 Rec, Transitional DTD. (It could use CSS
instead, but even without it, the HTML it generates is perfectly
standards-compliant.) Editing the generated HTML (i.e., sending an HTML
email to myself and editing what I receive) is also a breeze, even if
there are tables and such.

> Allowing html means allowing all html, not just the easy bits.

Uh oh! Someone hurry and tell that to all the people writing text-only
Web browsers! They'll be shocked to hear that, I'm sure.


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