brian white writes:

>>>It seems that after I installed the majordomo package it placed the
>>>folowwing entry in /etc/passwd:
>>What is supposed to happen is that the preinst creates a group and
>>user for majordomo; files are supposed to be in the .deb file owned by
>>user majordom and group majordom, and represented in the tar file
>>inside the .deb file by text strings - so that they get set to
>>whatever numeric values were set up by the preinst.
>How is this userid determined?  I've been talking with Ian and Bruce
>to get a fixed userid allocated for "gnats" because it needs a common
>id across all machines on which it is used.  They are going to
>reserve me an id just for this purpose.

The preinst calls adduser.  The package is supposed to then use
whatever uid/gid it finds in the passwd/group files.

When I announced my intention to create a Majordomo package I posted
to debian-devel asking about acquiring a fixed uid/gid pair for it
(which would have made the job of Debianising it slightly easier).
The only response was the suggestion that it could be allocated on the
fly, so I did that.

To my knowledge there's no strict requirement that Majordomo use the
same uid/gid on every machine.

Richard Kettlewell  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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