Erick Branderhorst writes:
 > > OK, so we've decided to have packages put their Emacs startup stuff in
 > > a directory, with one file per package.
 > > 
 > > The directory obviously ought to go in /etc, and the files made
 > > conffiles, so that the sysadmin can reconfigure things.
 > > 
 > > /etc/emacs/site-start.d ?
 > Please wait a minute.
 > How will these files be read.  In alphabetical or fileposition order?
 > Some scripts written in these might work only properly if some other
 > script is executed first.  I can't come up with some proper example 
 > but I can imagine that this might be very true.  This will force us
 > to scan the files several times and execute what is in there only if
 > some specific other scripts are executed earlier.

If the files there really depend on each other, then it may be nice
to require that each xxxx.el file contains

        (provide 'site-start-xxx)

(as the *last* line so nothing is provided in case of error), and other
files will just use

        (require 'site-start-xxx)

as needed.

Or is there a reason not to do that?

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