> IMHO info is a great format.
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kai Henningsen)
> Actually, I have just about the same problems with info that you
> have with  lynx - it's ugly, it has a *really* arcane user interface.

*** Project Leader Fiat Power On ***

The unification of Debian documentation will be carried out via
HTML. You should not consider the merits of a particular HTML viewer,
or even the weight of the best of our existing HTTP servers. These things
will change with time, and without effort on our part. Instead, you
should concentrate in providing automatic means to present man files,
info files, and other various forms of documentation to the user. This
can be done at run-time via CGI scripts, or when the documentation packages
are installed. Use existing software where possible. Try to consider disk
space, but having a full documentation system takes priority over that.
A keyword search facility and a unifying set of indices are a high

Look at what Ray Dassen has done on our web site. That is a really good
start. Now think of the top-level index to Debian documentation coming up
in a web browser when the new user starts the system.

*** Project Leader Fiat Power Off ***



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