Bruce Perens:
> The unification of Debian documentation will be carried out via HTML. 

I assume the unification won't mean that the native formats aren't 
supported -- they _do_ have benefits.

That said, I fully agree with choosing HTML. Debiandoc, supports on-line
conversions to HTML from man and text, and info2www supports Info (it
isn't really integrated, but it's not really visible). The converters
are configurable.

In addition, I think we should provide texi2html'd documentation in 
addition to Info files. texi2html seems to do a better job than info2www.

> A keyword search facility and a unifying set of indices are a high
> priority.

I don't think we have free software packaged to do full text searches.
We have glimpse and ferret, neither of which is free. There's something
that is part of freeWais, but I haven't looked at it yet. Someone with
the time should find and package one. It should be usable from the
command line so that it can easily be integrated into Debiandoc.

Lars Wirzenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <>
Please don't Cc: me when replying to my message on a mailing list.

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