On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 11:02:17AM +1000, Brian May wrote:
> >>>>> "Radovan" == Radovan Garabik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Radovan> it is LANGUAGE, and you have to set LANG to something
>     Radovan> (which will be ignored in this case, but has to be set).
> Not only does it have to be set, but it looks like it can't be set to "C":

And it probably should be set to a valid locale (except C and POSIX, that is)
When set to invalid locale, mc shows menus in English, but Hints in LANGUAGE.

| Radovan Garabik http://melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk/~garabik/ |
| __..--^^^--..__    garabik @ melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk     |
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