Martin F Krafft wrote:
> also sprach Ardo van Rangelrooij (on Thu, 13 Sep 2001 08:42:44AM)
> > I would like to propose to form an Apache (web server) task force to
> > maintain the Apache packages currently maintained by Johnie Ingram
> > (netgod) (and potentially related packages if the need arises).
> count me in.
> > I also propose to set up a mailing list for this.
> i can give you one easily. applying at takes ages!
> how about [EMAIL PROTECTED] :)

I'd appreciate that!  As Debian Listmaster I don't like too small and
unused lists.  Thus first demonstrate need, e.g. by running an active
list somewhere else, then ask for a regular Debian list.

As an alternative Ardo could invent [EMAIL PROTECTED] as
simple alias.



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