On Thu, Sep 27, 2001 at 08:28:57AM -0700, Bill Wohler wrote:
> Sean Middleditch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Why such emphasis?  The idea is to spell words like "colour" instead of
> > > "color", not to write the ls man page in iambic pentameter.
>   No, the idea is to spell it "color," not "colour."
>   The mass of writing in the computer world is American English, for
>   better or for worse, and having different spellings in a single
>   system is as distracting and unprofessional as misspelling the word
>   entirely. Now some don't think that misspelled words are a big deal,
>   but these are not enlightened people.
>   Just so there is no confusion, I am not suggesting that everyone in
>   the world use American English for everything. American English
>   should be used for the documentation in a Debian system and
>   therefore the alias for English should be en_US. If Romeo and Juliet
>   were turned a package, the text would of course be in en_GB, but
>   /usr/share/doc/r&j/README.Debian and the man page ;-) would be in
>   en_US.
>   If a multi-billion dollar company whose employees have all learned
>   British English decide that their documentation should be in
>   American English, that's saying something.

Hmmmm, you _didn't_ get it, did you ?

Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT     "Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!"
                        --from a /. post
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