On Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 10:23:09AM -0700, David Caldwell wrote:
> Sounds like what you really want is a way to take exclusive access to the 
> camera device somehow. Can you exclusively open the device and prevent 
> others from opening it too? I suppose even that would have a timing 
> splinter: Someone could take exclusive control before you got a chance...

I would like to see someting like this for hotpluggable storage as well.

If I want to keep private data (private keys etc) on a USB keyring I
would like to be sure that nobody else can mount it before me.

Perhaps the hotplug system could implement some kind of method for a
user to say "any device plugged in the next 1 minute is mine".  Clearly
this is vulnerable to DoS by others but this is far better than others
being able to mount your disks/read your photos.

sam clegg
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