On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, Nate Eldredge wrote:

> The other question is how it should be enabled.  One way is "hdparm -d 1
> /dev/hd?" or moral equivalent in an init script.  Another way appears to
> be "hda=dma ..." or "ide0=dma ..." on the kernel command line, though I
> haven't tested this yet.  Apparently there are also CD-ROM drives for
> which it should not be enabled.

Further info: "hda=dma" doesn't seem to exist, I was mistaken.  "ide0=dma"
doesn't actually enable dma, for some reason.  "ide0=autotune" doesn't
either.  Grr.

As for hdparm, this is complicated with ide-scsi.  For ide-scsi to work
you have to make the ide-cd module ignore the scsi-ified drive.  In which
case /dev/hdc or whatever it is won't work until you have loaded the
ide-scsi module, perhaps by touching /dev/scd0.  So at least in my setup,
further complications are needed.

(Btw: a nice way to enable ide-scsi might be nice as well.  CD burners are
becoming very common.)

Nate Eldredge
HMC CS Staff

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