On Fri, 23 May 2003 01:06, Mathieu Roy wrote:
> > > If the US economy stays down long enough then the current government
> > > won't last.  Rhetoric about imaginary enemies in Iraq doesn't satisfy
> > > people who lose their jobs because of the economy sucking.
> >
> > Hm, as could be seen in Iraq, boycotts only strenghen the position of
> > the rogue leaders ("See? They are all against us! We need to protect
> > ourselves! You need a strong man to protect you!" Etc.)
> Both points of view make sense.
> Fact is selecting a location for an event which is outside USA seems a
> good compromise for everybody.
> People that do not want to go to USA are not forced to, others that do
> not think USA should be avoided would surely agree to go elsewhere too.

I have no objections to a conference in the US.  If there are enough people 
interested in attending to make it a good conference then it should be run.  
The US has a large population, they should be able to justify a conference 
without any visitors from other countries.

I can't rule out the possibility of attending myself.

I was merely pointing out one of the reasons why many people are avoiding the 

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