The upstream maintainer of XMLTV, which I package for Debian, has
temporarily forked the Perl Date::Manip module.  He says:

   Over the past six months or so I've accumulated various bug fixes to
   the Date::Manip module, most of them because of xmltv bug reports
   sent by users.  Rather than wait any longer for the upstream
   Date::Manip to incorporate the fixes I have made my own release
   (intended as a temporary measure, not a permanent fork)... I've
   updated xmltv to require this version of the module (since it does
   fix several fairly important problems).

I'm not entirely sure what to do with this.

One option would be to roll these forked bug fixes into the offical
Debian libdate-manip-perl package.  There are no interface changes, so
this really shouldn't cause problems for anyone (in theory, anyway).  I
have written the Debian libdate-manip-perl maintainer a few times in the
last few weeks about this, but I haven't heard anything back from him.

Another option would be for me to create a temporary
libdate-manip-perl-fork package (or something) to temporarily provide
the forked code, which wouldn't affect users who don't install the XMLTV
packages.  This would be OK, but I don't like the idea of adding
temporary packages to the archive.

As a final option, I could just take out Makefile.PL's checks on version
and build the Debian XMLTV packages against the version of Date::Manip
currently in Debian.  This bothers me because it would leave us open to
Debian-only bugs for which there's an obvious fix that Debian doesn't

Does anyone have any opinions on the best way to deal with this?  



Kenneth J. Pronovici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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