On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 21:12:10 -0400, Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>> This seems like a good practice kind of recommendation, not an
>> requirement, and as such, may be better suited to be included in
>> developers reference rather than policy, don't you think?

> I agree that policy can't force developers to do that, but policy is
> already full of such recommendatons:

> 1.
>      You should not specify a `Pre-Depends' entry for a package
>      before this has been discussed on the `debian-devel' mailing
>      list and a consensus about doing that has been reached.

        Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
 this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
 easily changed. 

> 2.
>      You must not tag any packages `essential' before this has been
>      discussed on the `debian-devel' mailing list and a consensus
>      about doing that has been reached.

        Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
 this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
 easily changed. 

> 3.
>      You should not tag any packages as belonging to a task before
>      this has been discussed on the _debian-devel_ mailing list and
>      a consensus about doing that has been reached.

        Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
 this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
 easily changed. 

> 4.
>      This will use a default sequence number of 20.  If it does not
>      matter when or in which order the `init.d' script is run, use
>      this default.  If it does, then you should talk to the
>      maintainer of the `sysvinit' package or post to `debian-devel',
>      and they will help you choose a number.

        Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
 this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
 easily changed. 

> 5.
>      If this case happens, one of the programs must be renamed.  The
>      maintainers should report this to the `debian-devel' mailing
>      list and try to find a consensus about which program will have
>      to be renamed.  If a consensus cannot be reached, _both_
>      programs must be renamed.

        Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
 this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
 easily changed. 

> 6.  (on perms and users) If necessary you may deviate from the
>      details below.  However, if you do so you must make sure that
>      what is done is secure and you should try to be as consistent
>      as possible with the rest of the system.  You should probably
>      also discuss it on `debian-devel' first.

        OK, the first issue of this kind. 

> 7.
>      In this case you should choose an appropriate user or group
>      name, discussing this on `debian-devel' and checking with the
>      `base-passwd' maintainer that it is unique and that they do not
>      wish you to use a statically allocated id instead.

        Hmm. I am not sure if program behaviour need be changed much
 with user name/uid changes, but I guess there could be exceptions.

> 8.
>      It is often worthwhile contacting such authors diplomatically
>      to ask them to modify their license terms.  However, this can
>      be a politically difficult thing to do and you should ask for
>      advice on the `debian-legal' mailing list first, as explained
>      below.

        Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
 this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
 easily changed. 

> 9.
>      When in doubt about a copyright, send mail to
>> debian-legal@lists.debian.org>.  Be prepared to provide us with the
>      copyright statement.

        Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
 this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
 easily changed. 

> Do you plan to move all these to the developer's reference? It would
> bloat the developer's reference with references to specific sections
> of policy, and leave the policy full of holes with no
> recommendations as to a good course of action or even a mention that
> a given action is potentially hazardous.

        You are now talking about putting things into policy that
 require maintainerrs to change program behaviour to attain similar
 functionality and features; and all the examples you quote are about
 packaging details that are under our control completely. 

        Apples and oranges, really. 


"It says he made us all to be just like him.  So if we're dumb, then
god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." Frank Zappa
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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