On Wed, Aug 20, 2003, Gaetan Ryckeboer wrote:

> >    /var/cache/spip
> >    /usr/share/spip/ecrire/upload
> >    /usr/share/spip/ecrire/data
> All right. I understand the problem. But the directories removed by the
> postrm/purge are normaly only used :
> - by user, to upload datas related to his spip installation,
> - by spip himself, to store cache informations,
> - by spip himself, for log or backups.

   Please use directories in /var for all this. /usr should only contain
sharable, read-only data.

   As for the removal of whole directories, even in /var, see the various
arguments in the previous debian-devel discussion about dosemu.


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