On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 07:55, Adam McKenna wrote:
> > My own inbox supports this statement.  140 responses to Sobig.F mails,
> > of which 43 are virus or other content-based autoresponders, and 97
> > being delivery failure messages or other autoresponders (e.g.:  ISP help
> > desk).
> How many were challenges from mailing list software?  Yes, another class of
> software that automatically issues challenges (specifically, to new
> subscriptions and to non-list members if the list is closed).  So I guess
> you should also file bugs against majordomo, mailman, ezmlm-src, and any
> other mailing list managers that do this.

The comparison to mailing list software makes no sense.

I am prepared to put up with majordomo or mailman responses to virus messages 
because it's for the greater good.  Having a single unwanted message go to me 
is much better than having that message being sent out to each of the 10,000 
people on a big mailing list!

For challenge-response systems it's totally different.  I don't want to 
receive a single message because a lazy asshole wants to push all his 
problems on other people.

People who take the attitude of "Sobig wasn't a problem, my machine just sent 
out 4000 challenge messages to random victims" can only be described as lazy 

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