On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 09:47, Adam McKenna wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 09:20:53AM +1000, Russell Coker wrote:
> > The comparison to mailing list software makes no sense.
> Maybe not in the context of viruses, but for the "Joe Job" problem it does.

If someone is to Joe-Job me then I'd rather that mailing lists bounce the 
messages, if it gets bad I could filter out all mailing list messages 

If someone Joe-Jobbing me results in messages from me getting delivered to 
mailing lists then that would be worse than having the lists bounce them IMHO 
(before you ask, I've been Joe-Jobbed before).

When someone else gets Joe-Jobbed I'd rather deal with the spam using DNSBL 
and spam-assasin to protect myself.  For spam that gets through that I would 
rather just report it to SpamCop myself than add to the problems of the poor 
sod who's being Joe-Jobbed.

> Viruses can and should be filtered out before they reach the C-R system.

True, that's one of the things that should be in large warnings on any C-R 
system in Debian.

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