(in the interest of openness...)

On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 08:06:46AM -0500, Vince Mulhollon wrote:
> Daniel Ruoso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > I think this should be clearly discussed.
> > Original link at:
> > http://www.advogato.org/article/716.html

> > <QUOTE>
> > Debian and Democracy
> > Posted 7 Oct 2003 by exa (Master)

> > me "you need to get 5 sponsors blah blah" I found 4, but they scared out
> > every 5th one! I was at a later time told that it was a way of rejecting

> I will admit I was one of the four sponsors, based on my theory that
> the best way to make someone be nice, is to be nice to them, as what
> goes around comes around.  Golden rule and all that.

> In retrospect, perhaps that technique has not been entirely successful.

> Anyway, I'd like to publically say no one ever tried to "scare me out" 
> or any B.S. like that.  I find that claim Very Very Hard to believe.

I believe this is a (deliberately?) clouded reference to an exchange I
had with Eray on IRC (buried in the log that was posted).  What actually
happened was that I told *Eray* I suspected the 5th sponsor he was
seeking was being derelict in his duty to the project, and that if I
felt the developer in question sponsored him for reasons that were
contrary to the spirit of the project, I intended to bring a GR against
that developer.

This was actually mentioned for Eray's sake as much as anything, because
I didn't think it was right for him to get his hopes up under those
circumstances.  In any case, the prospective sponsor eventually
reconsidered on his own with no threats from me (if anything,
threatening probably would have strengthened his resolve) and came to
the conclusion many others had about Eray's qualifications.

Whether there were other potential "5th sponsors" that were dissuaded,
I couldn't say.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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