On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 11:16:59PM -0500, Sam Hartman wrote:

> >>>>> "Matt" == Matt Zimmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Matt> I think a single "Will you be using NIS?" question would be
>     Matt> justified; this could provide defaults for md5 vs. crypt
>     Matt> passwords and setuid-ness of unix_chkpwd, and so those
>     Matt> questions could be suppressed by default.
> I disagree.  Debian is sufficiently hard to install that developers of
> security software I've asked to install it have been frustrated to the
> point of not using it by the number of questions.  I believe adding
> questions about NIS would be inappropriate.

The method I described, if implemented, would not change the number of
questions asked in a default install.  The NIS question would essentially
replace the md5 question, which would remain at default unless the user asks
to see every single question.

> I'd rather see a solution where we have some nis support package that
> makes unix_chkpwd setuid root when that support package is installed.

This would be even better.

 - mdz

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