David Palmer wrote:
(2) Perl or Python. This seems to be another divided camp.
What are the capabilities of each? What are the applications of each?

Python and Perl have basically the same capabilities and applications as the other. The major difference is Python doesn't look like warm-over line-noise from the 80s.

I've already decided to use Vim, steep learning curve apparently, but
comprehensive functionality when you get there. Also extended capability
with lots of plugins.

I found vim easier to pick up than emacs and that was after over a decade of Wordstar-esque editors ending with joe. I have vi. I love vim. I'd never use vi unless vim isn't available. There really is little to compare the two except that vim is based on vi.

With that said let me give you the biggest hint on learning any vi variant: When in doubt, slap the ESC key. The commands and controls will come in time but all of that doesn't mean a thing if you're in edit mode when you want to be in command mode. When in edit mode ESC costs you nothing. It doesn't change modes. So if you're not sure you're in command mode, just hit ESC and you will be. Beyond that as long as you're used to an advanced editor it is just learning the mapping for the concept {delete line} to the key(s) {dd}/CNTL-Y/Home & Shift-END & DEL, etc.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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