On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 05:47:22PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
>     With that said let me give you the biggest hint on learning any vi 
> variant: When in doubt, slap the ESC key.  The commands and controls will 
> come in time but all of that doesn't mean a thing if you're in edit mode 
> when you want to be in command mode.  When in edit mode ESC costs you 
> nothing.  It doesn't change modes.  So if you're not sure you're in command 
> mode, just hit ESC and you will be.  Beyond that as long as you're used to 
> an advanced editor it is just learning the mapping for the concept {delete 
> line} to the key(s) {dd}/CNTL-Y/Home & Shift-END & DEL, etc.

<obFlameWar> Modal editors are Pure Evil(tm). </obFlameWar>



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