On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 11:55:01AM +0100, Julian Mehnle wrote:
| Steve Lamb wrote:
| > 2: Can you provide an example of such free-style coding that you speak
| > so highly of?
| # Split header into separate header lines, dropping any unneeded or
| # spurious header lines:
| @header_lines = grep(
|     (
|         /^(?:
|             # Wanted headers:
|             X-Spam-Status
|         ):/ix or
|         !/^(?:
|             # Unwanted headers:
|             Delivered-To    |
|             Path            |
|             Priority        |
|             Received        |
|             Return-Path     |
|             (?: # Prefixes:
|                 List        |
|                 X
|             )-[\w-]+
|         ):/ix
|     ),
|     split(/\n(?!\s)/, $header_unwrapped)
| );
| I call that readable, but I guess somebody won't. ;-)

I can more-or-less follow it and I don't speak Perl. :-)  Python's
parser wouldn't object to that, BTW, because it's all one expression -
the following, for instance, is legal (although ugly) Python:

if (
        1 + 1   
                print "hi"


PS. I'll try to stop posting in this thread now.  Really....

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