On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 11:18:39PM -0500, Joe Drew wrote:
> This doesn't really tell me anything about ENTROPY. How about
> "anti-censorship network client"?

That would do.

> The acronym ENTROPY should be defined in the first line of the long
> description.

Right, better than the short description.


> This is a good, though perhaps too detailed, long description.

Taken directly from the web page... (I'm lazy)

> A general (non-ITP-related) question: Is ENTROPY related to Freenet in
> any way?

It supports the freenet protocol, yes. But it's written in C, not Java.

I actually havent had a chance to package it yet, I've been too busy at
work. If anyone else wants to take this one, feel free, just let me know.
I'll retitle it to RFP in a week or two if I dont get a chance to get to it.

Mike Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                      ZL4TXK, IRLP Node 6184

  "In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people
     very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams

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