On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 08:53:18AM -0800, Nunya wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 09:31:17AM -0700, Joel Baker wrote:
> > 
> > Somehow, I don't think Branden will mind being told his dislike of
> > "parochial religious fundamentalists" is showing. I suspect he'd be proud
> > of it. But you'll see for yourself, soon enough.
> I don't believe in magical beings.  I *do* believe some humans 
> intentionally set out to hurt other humans.  Branden's beliefs and 
> sneering disdain for some of his fellow humans is quite clear.  (Note: 
> your response was measured and even).

That, I'm afraid, is between you and him. I certainly disagree with him
on some topics, and I certainly think there are many times when he could
be more tactful if he wished to be, but I'm unwilling to say that he
necessarily *should* be - though there are times (not really including
right now, mostly) that I can say his choices have had consequences I had
to deal with, and that I might wish he'd choose differently. :)

> Please explain to me the relevance of these names without the specific 
> intent of discomforting people.  The *intent* is clear.  If you can 
> explain for, historical, literary, philosophical reasons, I will 
> enthusiastically support those names.  If it's just because "let's piss 
> off the Christians", then I say, pick something else.

The thought goes something like this:

"Well, the mascot of ALL the BSD derivatives is a daemon, in various forms"
(and, I will note, they are quite adament about it *not* being a demon,
which is why the form is *always* a cartoony/stylized form)

"A daemon is a greek concept for a being which bridges the mortal and the
divine" (this is the semi-official reason for calling them daemons, in Unix)

"Greek daemons do not appear to have individual names"

"The Christian concept of a demon is a corruption (as it were) of the Greek
concept of daemon"

"There is an extensive catalog of Christian demon names to pick from"

Note that while I don't (deeply) care about offending people with a strong
religious belief, since I *personally* find most of those beliefs quite
offensive in return, I *do* consider it polite to consider not using the
demonic names entirely because the BSD folks have a long and avowed wish
to *not* be associated with such, for purely practical reasons that affect
them as much as (and probably more than) they affect us.

> Actually I think you *should* pick those names.  I'd love to see the 
> resulting carnage :-)

Eh. My inbox would tell you it just isn't that interesting. Most of the
religious screeds I get aren't all that coherent, or even entertaining
forms of incoherent ranting. Half the time I have trouble telling that
they're written in English (religious fanatics - the one group that seems
more incapable of mastering spelling and grammar than the speakers of
Joel Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                        ,''`.
Debian GNU/NetBSD(i386) porter                                       : :' :
                                                                     `. `'

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