On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 02:04:03PM -0700, Joel Baker wrote:
> > the fact that "the original guys said it's a daemon, explicitly not a 
> > Christian demon" and here's you're saying "yes it is." :-)
> Er, no. I'm not. I'm saying that Christian demons are derived from Greek
> daemons; that isn't the same statement as them being the same thing.

> It's a subtle point, granted.

[Picking nits here]

Picking "demon" names to describe "daemons" only seems to be a good 
choice if they are closely related.  Either it's a poorly descriptive 
name or you *do* believe they are the same.

(Note: this now has nothing to with BSD.  I'm just saying it's either a 
bad choice for a name or they are, for the purposes by which you think 
the name descriptive, "the same").

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