On 19 May 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

>       Less blather this time. Yes, ther reason is that /boot
>  contains other useful information about the kernels ensconced there,
>  (like System.map, and psdatabase) but is missing one piece: exactly
>  what is configured into the kernel (which can be quite important). 

You are right.  No further obs from me.  Just, let it be symlinked to
/usr/src/linux/.config too, ok? =)

>       I think that a small file is not too great a departure from
>  the standard, and, maybe, this should have been in the standard in
>  the first place.

Again, you are right.  From what I hear,  bsd lets you configure the
kernel at boot time...  this is the least that we can do.


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