
> Presumably, you installed xdm after installing shadow.  shadowconfig edits 
> /etc/init.d/xdm to switch between using xdm and xdm-shadow, so all you need 
> to 
> do is:
>   shadowconfig off
>   shadowconfig on
> and all should be well.

Yes, thank you!

But I think, the xbase package should manage this by itself. (I think,
the most recent xbase does so)

> P.S.  I have a feeling the NIS problem appears under 2.0.30 kernels and 
> downgrading to 2.0.29 should fix it --- don't know why though.

I am running 2.0.27 and also have problems with NIS. I guess, it is a
libc problem ( cf. bug 9843)

Cheers, Thomas

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