On Jun 23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce Perens) wrote:
> The solution
> is to put up a menu of check-boxes of what editor you want, and install
> it from packages as soon as possible after the system is installed.

Not everybody installs off of CD-Rom, and can therefore make their
selection from the menu (well, they could make the selection, but
it wont do them much good).  What if I need an editor to get Debian
sufficiently working so that I can access the packages that have
my editor of choice?

> Adding editors to the base is a slippery slope. The reason you add one is
> just as good to add the next...

Then add the smallest available full screen editor that is reasonably
usuable (i.e.  a person who can get to the point of installing
Debian  can figure out how to work it by starting it and looking
at it, which leaves out anything that works like vi (Hey, I like vi,
and I tell anybody who is trying to become Unix literate that they
need to learn vi, but there is nothing "intuitive" about it)).

Don't make any pretense that it's the "standard" Debian editor.
It's just the smallest. If somebody comes up with something smaller,
replace it. I don't think the "base" editor needs to be able to do
anything except insert and delete characters, and move the cursor
using the arrow keys.

But it's gotta be on the base disks. 

Steve Greenland

The Mole - I think, therefore I scream 

                        A eccentric America is a Safe America...

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