> Well, I personally distrust cross-compilers...at least gcc cross
> compilers. I know that at least one crossover (i386->alpha) has been
> known to produce broken binaries at one time,

In that case, 32/64 bit stuff has been the cause...

> Since you can't actually test the cross-compiled programs you
> generated, you never know when you might be uploading something
> _really_ broken into stable.
> Cross compilers are very good for bootstrapping new linux ports and
> things like that, but I wouldn't want to upload "production
> binaries" built by a cross-compiler, and would be _very_ upset to
> find that I was using one.

I use cross-compiling most of the time for m68k, just because the
Intel machines are much faster... But I test the resulting packages on
the 68k machine :-) In that case, I think there's nothing to say
against cross-compiling...

BTW, what really doesn't work with cross-compiling is floating point,
due to deficiencies in gcc. But you can avoid problems if you use the
standard <float.h> installed with a cross-gcc. That one just contains
an #error, so you'll be notified at compile time.


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