On Tuesday 12 June 2007 21:40, Gustavo Franco wrote:
> > * What effect do you think removing experimental will have on
> > unstable? * How do you think it will have that effect?
> >
> I think it will have a positive effect if we add 'NotAutomatic: yes'
> into unstable release file.

Are you also willing to promote uploading packages "that are quite 
probably broken in some ways, but the maintainer still would like to see 
tested" to unstable?
I don't think I would like that at all! An essential difference between 
unstable and experimental is that unstable has "should be working" 
packages, while experimental has "quite likely still has issues" 
If experimental were dropped, how the hell am I supposed to distinguish 
between the two?

Personally I think the current system is fine. I certainly don't think I 
would like the hassle of having to decide for myself (based on no 
available information) if I should upgrade a package or not. For me, the 
only reasons _not_ to upgrade a package in unstable are:
- broken dependencies: handled perfectly fine by packing tools, to be
  expected for unstable
- severe known issues: should be fixed ASAP by maintainer; aptitude makes
  it really easy to "forbid" a known broken version but automatically
  update once a new (hopefully fixed) version becomes available


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