Lucas Nussbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On 13/06/07 at 11:19 +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
>> * Lucas Nussbaum ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [070612 23:17]:
>>> On 12/06/07 at 22:23 +0200, Luk Claes wrote:
>>>> unstable is meant for packages that should be in the next stable release, 
>>>> as such only packages that are in the maintainer's opinion ready to 
>>>> migrate 
>>>> to testing should be uploaded to unstable.
>>> Then shouldn't we have a more aggressive policy about removals from
>>> unstable, for packages that have failed to get into testing during the
>>> past n months ?
>> We have that policy, just nobody who does the QA-bits needed to make
>> that happen.
> What would be those QA bits ?

Automatic checks and reports.

> It would be easy to get the list of packages that haven't reached
> testing in the n months (and have been in debian for more than n months).

Yes. One would just need to do it (and decide some basic rules)...

> I could even work on that during debconf, but then, there's the problem
> of knowing who has the authority to remove packages from unstable. Such
> tasks don't get you a lot of karma points, so, if removals are not
> requested by someone with authority (release team or ftpmaster), this
> will probably result in a lot of flames.

I think that a package that has been in unstable for a whole release
cycle without entering testing should probably live in experimental or
not in Debian at all. I guess that is something most people can agree

BOFH #337:
the butane lighter causes the pincushioning

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