[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Will Lowe)  wrote on 08.12.97 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Tue, 9 Dec 1997, Philip Hands wrote:
> > BTW I'd be interested to hear any justification of why <--- == DEL
> Well,  from a sheer visual standpoint,  seeing an arrow pointing to the
> left,  like on the BS key (<--),  makes one think that pushing that
> button's going to move the cursor that way,  just like the other arrow
> keys.

Well, that's what the <-- == DEL proposal wants to have, too.

>   I've NEVER understood the funky behavior of the BS key on *nix.

What "funky behaviour"?

In my VCs, <-- gives DEL and destructively moves the cursor to the left.
Under DOS, <-- gives BS and destructively moves the cursor to the left.

Where is the problem?

MfG Kai

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