[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander E. Apke)  wrote on 08.12.97 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>       I think there is another reason for choosing <--- == BS, for
> internationalization.  I believe it requires <--- == BS, though I am not
> entirely sure.  This may be the reason for the push for <--- == BS, even
> though debian developers seem to accept  <--- == DEL.

I see absolutely no reason why it should make any difference at all for  
i18n. Where did you get that idea? Doesn't make any sense to me.

>       I agree, but if feel the opposite <--- == BS should be default
> because most linux users come from the dos world, and the keys on a linux
> terminal/xterm should act the same as in dos.  Emacs users know more about
> unix and therfore should know how to change stty erase

This is silly. They only need to "act the same" insofar as they cause  
similar effects in programs; there is absolutely no reason to generate the  
exact same binary codes.

MfG Kai

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