Dear Gurus,

I saw today that Linux kernel 2.0.32 had been released as a Debian
package. Is it safe to upgrade the existing Debian.1.3.r4 to this
kernel? What about all the libc6 stuff? Should I have it installed or
should I better wait until the the next major Debian release arrives?
If so, when will this happen?

Now, a question about X. I have STB Velocity 128 card that is fairly
well supported by the Suse XNvidia server. Unfortunately, I couldn't
find it among the Debian packages and mended my system manually. Are
there any plans of packaging this and other Suse servers?

Finally, a question about Vtk (Visualization ToolKit). This powerful
3D graphics library is not freeware (see, but the
authors allow for distribution of the unchanged sources and binaries.
I'd guess that distributing patches would be OK with them. The Vtk comes
with Tcl/Tk, Python, and C++ bindings and is able of producing really
cool 3D images under OpenGL (also, Mesa) and a number of other rendering

Since I'm messing with this code anyway, I would consider becoming a
Debian developer with the task of supporting this package. I'd guess it
could go into contrib or nonfree hierarchy. What do you think about it?

Best regards.


Dr. Alexander Supalov
GMD  -- German National Research Center for Information Technology
SCAI -- Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing
Schloss Birlinghoven                    phone:  +49 2241 14 2371
53754 Sankt Augustin                    fax:    +49 2241 14 2102
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