On Dec 16, 1997, at 11:22, Ian Jackson wrote:
 > Tyson Dowd:
 > > A couple of us discussed this (and other problems with the mailing
 > > list), in the thread "Duplicate messages on this list" in debian-devel
 > > about a week ago and eventually came to a standstill where most people
 > > in the discussion were happy with the following solution:
 > > 
 > >         Set the mailing lists up so that the headers are munged
 > >         in the following way:
 > > [deleted]
 > Please let noone think that just because that absurd and awful
 > suggestion was the last thing anyone said that everyone is happy with
 > it.
 > Rather, the rest of us have more important things to do than to fight
 > battles with people with broken mailers and broken ideas about how
 > mailers ought to work.
 > The list configuration should be left the way it is.

You seem to be quite happy with the configuration as it is. Good for
you. Perhaps you could point out how I could force all of those people
with broken mailers and/or ideas to use one of your great mail
clients, so I won't get four, five, six or more duplicates of the
messages sent to the list.

The amended suggestion that I replied with a little earlier seemed to
please everyone, even those recalcitrant types who wouldn't hear about
adding Reply-To headers to the messages.

You offer no alternative whatsoever to those of us with a very real
problem: net access is expensive for some people, and shorter download
times mean money saved.

So, again, I vote for applying the suggestion mentioned before. Not on
philosophical grounds, but because of very practical reasons.

 > Ian.

Gonzalo Diethelm # Windows 95: n. 32-bit extensions and a graphical shell for
[EMAIL PROTECTED] # a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system originally 
 =Debian Linux=  # coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
 www.debian.org  # company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.

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