Christian Lynbech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 1) generating/editing .el files (gnats and tm are examples of this) at
>    build-time. This is not a problem since the generated .el file is
>    installed as part of the .deb file.

This is a problem if these packages need to work with both emacs and
xemacs.  The two are .elc file incompatible.

> Does anybody know of a concrete example where recompiling a set of
> installed .el files in some specific (say alphabetic) order will fail?
> Gnus in the emacs distribution used to have this problem, I seem to
> remember, but it does not seem to be a problem in 19.34 (I maintain
> emacs under CVS which by default ignores .elc files and thus want to
> recompile lisp/).

I think gnus might fit this criterion.  It has a full blown makefile,
but I haven't checked to see how complicated the actions are.  I think
at this point I favor Guy's service registration proposal, but there
are some details that have to be considered.

I won't be doing anything about any of this fancier stuff for a couple
of weeks, though.

Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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