> Philip Hands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > If people really think it is necesary I can add:
> > 
> >   PPP_TTYNAME=`/usr/bin/basename "$2"`
> I think this is a bad idea.  Anyone who wants to do this, can, and
> throwing away information in situations like this is usually a bad
> idea.

If I were throwing information away, I would agree with you 100%.

As it is PPP_TTY contains the full argument, and PPP_TTYNAME the (possibly) 
truncated version of the same.  So if people want to diferentiate they use 
$PPP_TTY and if they don't they use $PPP_TTYNAME.

I think this is all fairly redunant, but I suppose it will help to avoid the 
misaprehension that $2 will not have /dev/ on the front, and it does mean that 
people will not have to reinvent the wheel on the `basename` front, to strip it 

Anyway, it's done like this in ppp_2.3.2-2 --- grab a copy, have a look and 
tell me what you think.

Cheers, Phil.

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